Hello y'all!
Guess what I've been up to again? Eating more food! It's basically the ONLY activity we do when we hang out with friends. I have got to stop hanging out with these people; nothing gets digested in me. Hahaha. TMI.
Too be honest, we do a lot of cooking at home too but I never take pictures of what I make. I always attempt to make healthy foods at home when I can. I happened to pick up two of this cutie patootie drinks last week. It's a natural child's fruit drink with 100% fruits, no preservatives, colorings, additives, fat, or water and is gluten free! It's super pulpy so it's like a mini snack I guess you could say. I only bought it to try just because it's so cute! I'm a terrible shopper.

Last week, my friends and I helped Thomas move into his new place. Since I was with guys and they tend to always be hungry, we ended up going for Japanese food at Taiyo. Oh my goodness. We order so much food. We all had to over eat and then pack some home. It was pretty awesome here. The age dashi tofu was so yummy and crispy. I tend to be a bit picky about this and won't order this at very many Japanese restaurants because sometimes it can be super mushy before the dish is even served. We also ordered a few other appetizers such as the tako kimchi, seaweed salad and assorted tempura, as well as some simple rolls and special rolls. I think my favorite was the sunrise roll though I can't remember what's in it. Oops!
After dinner, we grabbed some groceries at T&T for my friend and then headed to Walmart for some house essentials. Check out my crazy boots! They're my Juicy Couture moon boots. They look so ridiculous but super fun because I feel like I can jump in to puddles and just stomp all over people. =D
I believe the next day we went to Ginger Beef as we were kind of showing a friend who's new to Calgary around town. We got some Chinese food and thank god, we went here because I was craving one of their dishes with egg tofu, scallops and eggplants. It smells so good and tastes amazing.
Over the weekend I helped my brother bake some cupcakes because he wanted to... Note to self never bake with kids unless you are prepared to do ALL the work. Only towards the end I had fun as I got to decorate them.
Has anyone ever had this? I always get a kick out of the marble in this bottle. What can I say I'm easily amused. LOL. Number one loser.
Anyways, signing off now.
P.S., if anyone's got some amazing brussel sprouts recipe, please let me know! I'm probably going to make some in the next couple of days and I just don't know what do do with them. Thank you!