2 January 2013

My First Post

Happy New Year!

It's a new year and time for a fresh start. The first thing I want to achieve this year is to stop procrastinating and begin making regular entries into my blog. Well, what is this blog going to be about? Life, I guess. My life. The things that happen in it that make me joyful, angry, unhappy, surprised, and every other range of emotion you could hope to think of. Life is always full of little events that make you want to turn to your best friend and gush a wealth of conversation.

I'll always be sure to tell them, but hopefully... hopefully, you will also be interested enough in a complete stranger to hear about what I have to babble on about.
So, what are you getting yourself into, you might ask? Let's turn myself from a stranger, into a person on the internet that you read about one time that you could kind of sort of relate to.


I'm a 20-something year old Singaporean born post-secondary student living in Calgary, Canada. I'm the younger of the two middle born in a family of six children, but the oldest of the three of us living at home with my parents. My family started its roots in Singapore, where I spent the first eight years of my life. My four sisters (three older, one younger) and I were born there and there is where my personality and interests I'll share with you developed. The youngest, my brother, was born here in Canada when we immigrated to British Columbia. It was there that the rest of my life took on its shape before moving one last time to Alberta, where home is for me now. Although I do not get to see them very often, my older sisters are half of what makes my family, family. The loud, rambunctious, and hysterical Sim family means the most to me in this world, and I would never give it up or change it. 


My interests are my own, and although you and I may not have the same things in common, hopefully we can share one or two and build upon that. If there's nothing here for you, just read about what irks me and get a laugh out of it! I am a girl, I love fashion and all things that encompass it, I cannot deny that. I am a Singaporean and a Canadian, I love food, I also cannot deny that. I love to travel, learn and laugh about stupid little things, and play dominate at video games. I'm sure I could go on and on about what things spark my attention, but that is just something that will have to be fleshed out another time.
My next post will have a bit more of a focused topic but for now, that's who I am in a nut shell.

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